Wednesday, November 23, 2016

But...Jars of Clay

 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. II Corinthians 4.7 ESV

Jars of clay was a fascinating concept even before the mid 1990's when a band took this for their name becoming familiar to households across America, now for more than two decades.

Perhaps it is simply coincidence...then again it may be the providence of God almighty Himself. On Friday November 25, 2016, I will have the fortune for the second time in my life to be traveling 'across the pond' to hold out this 'jar of clay' toward medical relief of a hurting people. In similar fashion, in 2004, as well the day after Thanksgiving, that I began a journey to West Darfur, Sudan. Those who know me know the amazing effect that it had in my life. One of many would be the fond relationship that my brother Doctor Asabi and I continue to have till this day. But that is a story for another time. 

On Monday I received an email notification to travel with Team Rubicon to Greece. A member of TR now for over four years, this will be my first international deployment as a medic. Thinking that my window of opportunity had past for the current operation...let's just say that I was pleasantly and gratefully surprised. 

So on November 25th this 'jar of clay' will deploy to Greece, where large communities of Syrian refugees have become relocated. The mission, called 'Operation Hermes', is to provide medical relief to a very hurting people group. I look forward to working with my four other veteran team members, to fulling our mission, to be a simple 'jar of clay', and who knows...relationships built that will only have its beginning.

For years I have lived with the daily concept of, 'Who God puts in my way'. Sometimes it is a conscious thought, but more often it simply (or providentially) 'just' happens. That is, God puts someone or something 'in my way'. So here I go...a 'jar of clay', let's just see 'who God puts in my way' and allow "His surpassing power" to have its result.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

‘Oregon ABCity Tour' … Exploring Our State, One Letter at a Time’

Jan, always with her brilliant smile, caught me going through her isle at Roth’s one afternoon 2 ½ years ago while wearing my leather jacket. She says, “You ride a motorcycle”? She quickly handed me a registration form, briefly explaining the ‘Oregon ABCity Tour’ concept. Though not exclusive to motorcycles, I can’t imagine a better way to explore this amazing state of ours. Since that time I’ve been hooked.

 Curt Frink wanted to take a concept from other motorcycle clubs, but limit the journey solely through this tenth largest state of the union, Oregon! They began with the letter ‘A’ thinking that they’d continue through the alphabet, but soon decided that each year would be a random letter or letters. The ‘tour’ begins March 1st and completes the last day of September, providing abundant opportunity to collect the sixty some odd cities and towns across our beautiful state. Participants then provide their pictures of the particular town with their registration number in the photo. The picture must include the name of the town, like a Post Office, library, fire station, a church or business.

This year marks the first that I’ve collected the entire group of selected towns less a couple that no longer exist. The letters assigned for 2016 were ‘K’ and ‘N’. There are the familiar names such Keizer, Klamath Falls, Nehalem and Newberg. Then there are those that you’ve likely never heard of, or if you have, you wouldn’t have a clue of their whereabouts. They include, Noti, Keating, New Bridge and New Idaho. And oh, did you know that we have a ‘Nashville’?

Yes it is!
Craig & I at the California boarder
 With a bit of planning…the bike, the gear, a friend (thanks Craig!) and route determined, all that remains is the adventure. And what an adventure it has proven to be. When would anyone in their right mind schedule a trip to ‘Vinson’, Oregon? Last year, with the letters of J, U, V, Y and Z, that is exactly what I planned. The previous two days had found me coming up short on discovering the old communities of ‘Umli’ and ‘Jonesborro’. While stopping at both John Day and Ukiah on my way to Umatilla, I asked the question regarding Vinson.  All were quite sure that Vinson no longer existed. Not only does Vinson exist, the stop provided perhaps my greatest of ABCity Tour stories.

Vinson is a one sign, one house, one barn and one ‘un-named’ cemetery of a town, or rather spot on the map. What was awesome about my stop was that as I approached there was also a yellow school bus arriving at the same time. Stepping out of this bus would be 30 to 40 folks on tour with the Oregon Historical Society lead by two elderly gentlemen that were quite knowledgeable about the history of Vinson and its surrounding area. So here I was, assuming that I would likely strike out once again. Not only did I not strike out, I received an unforeseen history lesson and opportunity to listen to a five piece folk band as well. Oh, and yes I received ‘5’ points toward my ABCity goal :)

This year included great finds of Norton, Oregon with their community library that stands 4 feet high, 3 feet wide and a foot deep. Plus there was our stop at New Bridge and their pastor, who along with an elderly Grange member, gave us more history lessons that we’ll soon not forget, including the fact that our first Governor was from this community and his wife was related to Chief Joseph. Part of the journey includes the search for perhaps the most unusual community sign. One of the best this year would have to be ‘North Howell’. A local nursery has purchased the old Mobil station appliances with the flying Pegasus and two old pumps all beautifully reconditioned. Sometimes you just happen upon the right sign. Such would be the case of Keizer, Oregon. Likely with dozens of possible signs to capture a photo of, I was able to find the old Keizer School, which happen to be celebrating their 100th anniversary.

'North Howell's' Journey to another day...
Flying through Keating :)
When the season ends on September 30th, you have a couple weeks to send in your photos for the judges to determine their eligibility. Then early in November we have a banquet in order to experience the stories and pictures of one another and enjoy food specifically selected from the letters of the year’s tour. For example, Kiwi will likely be part of this years banquet. Beyond the meal, we also join together to bring non-perishable food items and/or cash that is donated to Marion/Polk Food Share. Riding has never had a better cause than giving to others. The selection of the annual point’s winner is announced as well. Of course there’s no competition. Well…there might just be a town or two that each of us keep as our 'Ace in the hole' per say, hoping that we might have been the only one to find it. At times a treasure hunt for sure!

At 'Kingsley' Oregon with Miko - A Place to Die For
So there you have it. Oregon ABCity Tour has surely become an annual part of my schedule. And I haven’t even begun to touch on the beauty found while driving across highway 395 and the Abert Range, or 47 through Vernonia and past Natal. I’m sure you’ve been up 205 (highway that is, not interstate) and driven into Fields to enjoy their ‘World Famous Shakes’! Or most definitely you’ve ventured down Idaho 71 into the Snake River canyon then connect with Oregon 86 and enjoyed the beauty of the valley’s found near Halfway and Richland, Oregon. If you haven’t…then might I suggest joining the Oregon ABCity Tour for 2017. If you’re like me…you’ll be glad you did!

Johnny could of written this song about 'Oregon' for sure :)

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Not Just Hillary's "Basket of Deplorables"

So I ask... are you in the 50% of Hillary's "Basket of deplorables"? Or perhaps the better question to ask, "Could/should Hillary lower herself into the proverbial 'basket of deploarables'?" Charles M. Blow in his Sept 12, 2016 article is quick to state, "Donald Trump is a deplorable candidate — to put it charitably — and anyone who helps him". He goes on to add all the 'factual statistics' to back his statement. But if you were to read articles written in January and June this year by Paul Heideman and Brian Anderson, they present a Hillary that could easily be tossed into the 'deplorable camp'. Hillary concludes her first paragraph (and most "deplorable" phrase) of her speech with, "They ARE irredeemable"! Ouch! Really...and once again I ask, "Is Hillary also irredeemable?"

Actually, if I understand the gospel of Jesus Christ,  Hillary is no more "deplorable" than the rest of us, nor is she "irredeemable". What is "deplorable" is throwing stones in the proverbial 'glass cathedral'. Yet, fortunately for Hillary and the some odd billion inhabitants of this planet earth (myself included), each have access to the all-forgiving and all-redeeming blood of the Savior, Jesus Christ. To some (I wouldn't attest 50%, though possibly) in the 'Trump camp' would cringe at the slightest thought of sitting beside Hillary Rodman Clinton, partaking a meal together in the presence of the Savior. And then there are likely many of the 'Hillary camp' who likewise cringe regarding my exclusivity of Christ being the one and only Savior of the world. But...this is what I believe. And you know what? I won't even consider you "deplorable" if you disagree with me. 

Yes, it is the 'political season', a season when things said, advertisements shown, are surely quite "deplorable". The good news, of Jesus that is, is that YOU are not irredeemable! You are rather very redeemable. Thanks be to the One born of virgin birth, living a 'plorable'/sinless life, who was placed on a "deplorable" cross, shedding His blood for my sin (and yours likewise), then rose again the third day, never to die again. 

Grateful to be redeemable! 


I Corinthians 15, Romans 6 and Romans 10...a life worth living.

Charles M. Blow SEPT. 12, 2016   (
Paul Heideman January 26, 2016 (
Brian Anderson June 11, 2016 by  (

Friday, June 24, 2016

I Was Not There

I Was Not Here

Little chubby checks and dark black hair, but in those days I was not there.
Cooing, crying and grunting sounds, yet I heard not one, for I was not around.
First steps along the furniture, then hand to hand, yet not mine you reached out to.
Cute shoes, dresses, and frilly things to wear, but not able to smile at these, for I was not there.
Mama, papa, mommy, daddy, they're just words, but precious ones I missed, wish I heard.
Family pictures, laughter and family time, back then I did not call you mine.
Birthdays, Christmas and Easter too, many special days spent without you.
Scraped knees, crocodile tears for which to care, for even these I was not there

Yet time did come when close we'd be, high in the Ferris wheel you called to me
Hi dad, hi mom with smiles so wide, a name I'd behold with great pride.
Days went by, a year, then two, and finally the day I adopted you.
What's mine is yours and yours is mine, even till the end of time.
Good days enjoyed with camping, sandlot ball, then teen years came, our lives began to fall.
Away from each other, I wish it not so, but life does bring twist, heartache, apart we did go.
A son, a daughter, then your baby girl, life spun so fast as if in a whirl.
Today they're grown, hard to imagine somehow, when I think of life then...and now

Years have flown by, so many they be, once was close, now separated the three
No replay in life as on TV, wish it was so, the difference perhaps we'd see.
What would we change, our lives much better, I can think of a song, maybe a letter.
I would sing it aloud, I would tell of the story, parents and child living solely for His glory.
I long for the day, when dad is the name, you proclaim with a smile and without shame.
No more can we do, than what we have done, our daughter you are till the setting of the sun.
So we'll wait for the day, wait till you say, to be part of your journey...along life's highway
Little chubby checks and dark black hair, only in those days I was not there.
A 40th Birthday Celebration...A Good Day it Was
From the Beginning

 Though our circumstances of 'adoption' are quite different...none-the-less... 
'Love does take you in, takes you in for good. When love takes you in...for good'. I love you, dad.