Monday, January 4, 2016


Where silly meets simple or...where simple meets silly. maybe this is a secret which should remain so. There have been so many 'simple' things that we have enjoyed, but I don't think there are any quite so simple nor frequent as...1...1...1...1. And you can even say it...1111, or 11...11, or 1...1...11, get the idea. The object is to be the last one to say 1..1..1..1 before it turns...1...1...1...2. In the World Series of 1...1...1...1...I'm not sure who has come out ahead. There's no score keeping, only silly fun between husband and wife.

Yet there is one aspect where 'silly' does become 'serious', that's when I look and the clock actually shows 11:11. It is at that time, no matter what I'm doing, I think of Karen. It may just a simple thought, or a smile, a prayer or a recent memory.

Whatever your relationship, might silly and simple routines become a regular component of your day. Plus you have the added benefit of not spending great amount of dough for entertainment. 'Free' surely is a good price :)