It was the early 90’s and Lance found himself having a bit too much liquor before making his way to his truck for the drive home. During that drive Lance began to fall asleep and slid into a small ditch. Upon hitting it he was able to quickly stop the vehicle and just sit there for a few minutes before continuing down the highway. As he sat...he thought to himself how grateful he was that he didn’t cause any injury to himself or others, to which he proclaimed nonchalantly, “No harm, no foul”!
It would be only a short time from that event in which another
‘drunk driver’ fell asleep at the wheel. Though for that driver there was a ‘foul’
as two young lives were taken. As Lance described the event I realized that it
was the same accident in which I’ve thought of and driven past many times. The
two girls were Junior High age and were returning from a party along Hwy 213
near Oregon City. Today they would be in their 30’s.
Lance reflected upon his “No harm, no foul” thought and
realized just how amazingly fortunate he was. He could have caused the same.
Still for a few months Lance would allow the bottle to be his companion. Then, just prior to
Thanksgiving that same year he stopped drinking ‘cold turkey’. Now some 20
years later he is a changed man. He can often be found cutting wood for those
in need. Seems that he realizes that life is a gift…and gift to be given.
There was one who gave his life in order to provide a 'life changing moment' for each of us. His name, Jesus. The cross, though the means of His death, has become a symbol of hope. A hope, because through the Cross of Christ, and the resurrection on that Sunday morn, all can have hope. Life IS A GIFT. A gift given to us through our Creator who gave His son to be our ransom. Might it become a gift that you receive...and a gift that you give in return.