Thursday, February 18, 2016

No Harm, No Foul…Except When There’s a Foul - A Drunk Drivers Redemption -

Sometimes the experience of another is just enough to create a life changing moment. Such is the case of Lance (not his real name) of whom I’ve had the pleasure to meet several times while getting in a ‘stairclimb’ workout. The outdoor stairs that we have here in our small town is for him a means to keep his ‘ticker’ beating, for me a great way to prepare. Though we often just say hi and continue with our individual routine and rhythm, there are times that we stop and yak. That was the instance the other day. I remember Lance telling me that he had had a drinking problem, but I did not know the extent nor what influenced his decision to lay the bottle down.

It was the early 90’s and Lance found himself having a bit too much liquor before making his way to his truck for the drive home. During that drive Lance began to fall asleep and slid into a small ditch. Upon hitting it he was able to quickly stop the vehicle and just sit there for a few minutes before continuing down the highway. As he sat...he thought to himself how grateful he was that he didn’t cause any injury to himself or others, to which he proclaimed nonchalantly, “No harm, no foul”!
 It would be only a short time from that event in which another ‘drunk driver’ fell asleep at the wheel. Though for that driver there was a ‘foul’ as two young lives were taken. As Lance described the event I realized that it was the same accident in which I’ve thought of and driven past many times. The two girls were Junior High age and were returning from a party along Hwy 213 near Oregon City. Today they would be in their 30’s.

Lance reflected upon his “No harm, no foul” thought and realized just how amazingly fortunate he was. He could have caused the same. Still for a few months Lance would allow the bottle to be his companion. Then, just prior to Thanksgiving that same year he stopped drinking ‘cold turkey’. Now some 20 years later he is a changed man. He can often be found cutting wood for those in need. Seems that he realizes that life is a gift…and gift to be given.

 There was one who gave his life in order to provide a 'life changing moment' for each of us. His name, Jesus. The cross, though the means of His death, has become a symbol of hope. A hope, because through the Cross of Christ, and the resurrection on that Sunday morn, all can have hope. Life IS A GIFT. A gift given to us through our Creator who gave His son to be our ransom. Might it become a gift that you receive...and a gift that you give in return.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Coffee Capital of the World…Silverton?

'Gear Up' main coffee connection
In the past three years I’ve ventured on four different journeys’ eastward on motorcycle enjoying the amazing landscape of this land called America. Many are the keys to my travels, but of greatest are simply seeing what lies around the next bend (as my uncle Ronnie so instilled within me as a young lad), marveling at the beauty of both the wonder of animals and the panorama painted by the Creators hand, and meeting interesting characters along the way.
My favorite drive through...
And yet close behind these I would have to include the daily task of finding the ‘mom and pops’ diner and/or coffee shop. Diner’s, they have been relatively easy, coffee shops on the other hand, not so much! Often as I venture eastward beyond our town of Silverton, or perhaps even Central Oregon, the coffee shop experience quickly fades. Less of course you add ‘McDonalds’, or toward the East coast ‘Dunkin Donuts’ to this encounter.  But then again, they don’t exactly fit the ‘mom and pop’ model now do they?
Main Street Bistro

Many are better coffee connoisseurs than me. Actually, I know very little about coffee. My coffee experience didn’t even begin until I reached my mid-thirties while attending paramedic school at OHSU. Long days of study and my unfamiliar daily drive in traffic eventually led toward a slow and casual move into the coffee culture. Even then, until recently my typical coffee encounter for several years was merely four or five times a month. And then it was only towards a ‘foo-foo’ coffee at best. More recently, over the past five years or so I have found coffee shops (mom and pops in particular) to be a great place for connecting with old friends or meeting new ones.

And then, if you live in Silverton…well, we may be the coffee capital of the world. With eight such places in which you can come in from the cold and sit down with friends and enjoy your java, or if you’re on the move, we now have four drive-through locations as you head toward your Salem, Portland or Silver Falls destinations. Why ‘Dutch Brother’s' added their brand to the town…something to do with ‘business’ I guess. Per capital that works out to be one coffee shop per 800 citizens. Then if you eliminate toddlers and others who shouldn't or don't have the frequent espresso in their diet, that number decreases to something closer to 500. Ok, that was not a scientific study...I'm just saying.

Anyway, if you enjoy the journey through ‘smallville’ America and like coffee, make sure you include a stop into Silverton. You're sure to find some good coffee, and better yet you might just find a new friend.