Monday, April 24, 2017


Irony … Incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity

I would imagine that life is marked with some sort of irony in each of our lives. The difference…the source of the irony. Reminders present themselves in many forms. Yesterday that reminder came through a guest pastor as he taught through Mark chapter 5 and the man possessed with a legion of demons. His circumstance makes my recent shoulder injury seem rather tiny :) Anyway, Jesus does something miraculous to this man who had been tormented for, literally ‘God knows how long’. Here the man sits for the first time in a long time in “his right mind”. Yet, what was the concern of the town folk? It wasn't for the well-being of the man. And so we come across ‘Irony’! We expect that they should have been amazed that this fellow citizen, likely a friend and brother to someone, had been healed. 

The teaching of yesterday’s ‘irony’ was a reminder of my own. Simply said…my biological father’s role and significance in my life for the most part has left few imprints within this soul. My wife speaks of very similar, if not even less significant, from her father. Yet…when it comes to our family, we have given daily of ourselves. We were there to guide and raise our children together. Whether it was school, church or travel, we provided and attended at every junction of their childhood journey. We loved them dearly and still do. Yet…yes another yet! yes, it can have its positive result.
Yet, we so very often feel unimportant to our most of our children/grandchildren. Here our fathers gave so little and at times expected so much. We, on the other hand, actually gave, we gave, yet expect little, but not this little. Not so much so as to feel hurt because sometimes our connections are…well, disconnected! We’ll hear of friends whose children are preparing an anniversary celebration for them. Our children…we do not even receive a card or a call. IT’S NOT important to them!

Now if it sounds as if I’m just whining…guess...I am! Perhaps that’s where ‘Irony’ enters in. The expected result would be that we’d have a flourishing relationship with our children and grandchildren. That…is not the case. 

So where do we…do I go from here? The same place I/we have for many years, that is investing our lives into other families, families that actually reciprocate because they appreciate and don’t take for granted. And maybe…just maybe, one day our own family will realize just how meaningful a full relationship with their parents could be.

 If I might add a short postscript not to sound overly critical ... there are times of great care/concern from a couple of our children/grandchildren. For that, we are grateful! Still the irony is that when I look back from those times of their childhood and think what I imagined what the 'NOW' would's not what I imagined...what I expected. And I speak not solely of their relationship with Christ, be it misunderstood.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Reflections of a 58 Year Old

Fifty-eight and one half today, the eighth of April 2017 … now ‘ReFired’ four years and one month. Reflections of those four years and what lies ahead as I complete year five.


1) Living out Simplicity, Flexibility and Availability…surely key in my daily journey.

2)   Transition from ‘Busy’ life to a ‘Full’ schedule. Busy is most often random where ‘full’ requires being intentional.

3)    Riding on one of three motorcycles (a 1999 Yamaha  Roadstar, a 2004 Goldwing - GL1800, and a  Yamaha  FJR) … 50,000 miles across this amazing creation called Oregon and beyond. Oh Baby! And less than a month from now…C2C aka the ‘Newport Triangle’. More to follow :)

4)   Seeing, knowing and loving the beauty found in Karen Yvonne. A Christ follower; who loves children; a wife, mother and grandmother superb; who has a spirit of adventure; who is intelligent, pretty and has quite the sense of humor; I love walking this journey with you sweet Cakes!

5) Volunteering…MOPS continues to be a monthly focus for the past decade plus in honor of Elizabeth Ann Jopp, aka mom; Marion County  MRC (minimal, but I see as crucial); Coaching  baseball – both Silverton and Mexico – a future priority, with a Christian focus…a molder of men! Team Rubicon – began slowly, but now in full swing. What’s ahead and what role does the HEO play? ARC – FAST Team, ERV and DAT…sensing that this needs to take a back seat. Neighbors...And more.

6)  Writing… blog and House 27. I would like this to be part of my weekly schedule. Just got to Do It! The blog… Journaling my daily travel…geographically, spiritually and personally. ‘House 27’ … capturing the historical and fictional transition of Marc Ingram from modern day firefighter to the 1915 World Series and beyond. I want to include the elements of a firefighters day and a close representation to the actual World Series events, while adding Marc’s twist and travel. Within, to have excitement, emotion, drama, historical accuracy, stress, joy, imagination and fascination, all the while drawing both the baseball/firefighter enthusiasts and those who could care less :)

7)  Last, but as they say ‘Not Least’… Sipping  coffee with The Savior. A frequent, if not daily cup of joe with Jesus. As well as digging into the well of Scripture. Creating ‘sermons’ of those messages that He’s impacted within this heart. Plus an adventure into ATP … Adenosine Triphosphate … ‘A Timothy Pursuit’. What did Timothy witness during that first journey of Paul and Barnabas? What effect did that experience have on the next three to five years when Paul would return to Lystra and ask Timothy to accompany him? How vital would Timothy be to Paul, Paul to Timothy and Timothy to the body of Christ?

I began writing this while I was in flight to Denver listening to…who else…John Denver! The most appropriate of songs played on my mP3 player as we sailed above the Colorado Rockies…that would be ‘Rocky Mountain High’! What an incredible view it is from 30,000 thousand feet. Farrrrr-out! :)
Is that timing or what?

Thank you Stephen Roberts for a beautiful photo!
And John Denver for masterful song!