It was in 1976, now some thirty-eight years yesterday (note, this blog was written July 26, 2014), that the redemption of Christ began its saving transformation in this life. A journey, as with each, that has not been without challenges. That said, I cannot express fully into words the gratefulness to our Savior, Jesus, for the truly 'abundant' life that He has guided me through.
What keeps me anchored in the midst of the journey? Most certainly I would at least include the Word of God, His indwelling Spirit, prayer and music. Yet how delinquent would I be to not add the relationships of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Over fifty 'one another's' are scattered about the NT. To encourage, build up, forgive, serve, submit to, be devoted to, accept and love are but a few.
The past few days I've been in service with several 'one
another' men, who have taken part on an urgent roofing need for our daughter. In
this time I have discovered a new truth regarding anxiety/worry. Yes, as Paul
says to the Philippians, "Be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God, and the
peace...". Perhaps you know the rest. Powerful, it is. And pray I do, yet...when
these men and women, most volunteering, have given selflessly of their time to
bless our daughter, I have found that joy, through much sweat and some pain, is
the overwhelming result and not anxiety.
There is likely no greater need when being connected to 'one
another' than unity. Back to the roof...the mutual effort and respect is
absolutely evident in this project. At the same time we are carrying out the
'call principle' of Ephesians four..."Walk worthy of your calling, with
all humility and gentleness, with patience lifting up one another and striving
to keep the unity of the Spirit in bond of peace".
Why is that often not
the case within our 'church' walls?
Now to the point...
We recently left attending a body of believers, of whom we
had been a part of for twenty years. We had grown apart due to a change in the
message plus style of teaching and the desired direction of this body. And though I
disagree, at least with some I can respect and sense how the teaching resonates,
such as the series on 'The Jesus Creed' or that of ‘Becoming a Conduit’. This
'creed' emphasizes the 'one another's' stated above, plus the treatment of others in the manner that is seen in the person of Jesus Christ. Though
preached, in some ways it was sanctimoniously demonstrated over the past
couple of years. For example I ask...Would Jesus have requested Nicodemus to
attend a different group of believers because he was no longer their leader?
Would Paul have been removed from the Cyprus prayer letter because he separated
himself from Barnabus? Would Epaphoditus have removed Timothy from a service
that he'd provided for years because he wasn't regularly attending the
Philippian church without communicating such with him?
Would Paul not say that which he wrote to the Corinthians,
'Are we followers of Paul or of Apollos or of Peter, or are we followers of
Christ? The answer seems rather obvious!
Might we go forth, be followers of Christ and truly be a conduit with one another...
Might we go forth, be followers of Christ and truly be a conduit with one another...
Written by Rick Williams on
July 26, 2014, and recently found amongst my electronic clutter.