Monday, November 30, 2020

Life's Observations ~~~

Calle Juarez in Puerto Vallarta
How often is our observation of life blocked by that which surrounds our moment. One such particular moment for me came on November 7th, our first day of six weeks in Puerto Vallarta. I was returning from an evening stroll along PV’s famous ‘Malecon’. The picture to the right stood out with it’s striking detail. Though I was sadden by the reality of a young boy playing or communicating on his cell phone. “How times have changed”, I thought to myself.

It was a couple days later while walking down the same street, that the full illumination was literally brought to light. ‘Darkness’, easily “blocks” our ability to fully observe or understand the significance. But it is not alone. Our calendar and ‘to do’ list often prevent us from enjoying the most simple and beautiful aspects of life. And as ‘Jupiterfab’ has revealed in this and many of his ‘Modern Society’ paintings, technology, though powerful and resourceful, can so block our awareness of life’s wonder.

Writing from our balcony, enjoying the sounds and sites of Vallarta. None greater than our -- árbol de aves – that is, our bird tree. Where countless birds with intense colors … hummingbirds, orioles, finches, doves and more have provided a refreshing joy while observing their using this tree as a momentary place of rest in their journey. The irony of their refreshment, providing me with the same.

Life will not fully return to those pre-techno days. Nonetheless, I choose to be intentional … to have moments when I set down the cell phone, pick up the tin can, and be refreshed from that which blocks our observation to enjoy a simple and tranquil moment. 


Cell Phones down - in Sheffield, England
Bogota, Columbia

Bogota, Columbia

The inspiration of this blog came from two things ... 1) Juniperfab, an artist from Italy who currently lives in Mexico. He paints with great detail and in regards to 'Modern Society'. He writes, "The project wants to create reflection and inspiration for each of us to find a balance between real and virtual life."

Please visit his site in order to view more of his amazing art and how he captures our fascination with technology. 

2)  I learned long ago the value of 'simplicity' --- the value of 'wonder' --- A favorite author, Ravi Zacharias writes 'Recapture the Wonder' --- Those values have been further appreciated as I sit on the patio of our condo enjoying the árbol de aves.


                                                               A new song ...

                                                           An old favorite ...

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Does The Election Matter?

It’s Tuesday the 3rd of November, 2020. Yesterday I made the decision that I would not succumb to any TV or media on election Tuesday, remaining distant from the chatter. Whereas many, perhaps most, are caught up in today’s very important and very divisive election. I decided that prayer was my best option.

Fortunate to have traveled to many ends of our world, I have been witness to those who lack the freedom’s we so often take for granted. And yet, even in those countries, those lacking freedom’s we so cherish, yet when they are found to be in Christ continue to have hope … hope precisely because of the freedom that He so grants. One such person who lacked that very political freedom, yet had freedom in Christ, is my dear brother Dr. Asabi Pierre Misambo. Escaping such a country, in turn arriving and becoming a citizen of these United States of America. Now, able is he to cherish both … the freedom found in Christ … and the freedom of his newfound citizenship.

Still … my question is, “Does The Election Matter”? Will God not be in control tomorrow, as I believe that He is this day, regardless of the victor?

By asking the question am I saying that our being involved is null and void? Absolutely not! Having been granted both freedoms, we must “be involved”. Martin Niemöller, friend of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, recognized his misguided involvement in his famous quote: “First they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a trade unionists. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me --- and there was no one left to speak for me”. Surely, be involved! Surely, speak out!

Tomorrow I will awake, most likely view the results --- hoping that they are conclusive. Yet regardless of the victor, I will continue to place my hope in Christ --- not in Trump, nor in Biden. And once again, as Paul directs, I will pray … First Timothy 2:1-2, ... for those in authority, that we may lead peaceful & quiet lives in all godliness & holiness. And on the fifth of November… I hope to do the same. 

 In thinking of this blog I was inspired by back to back songs while listening to the radio. The one has become a staple to many churches around the world. Matt Redman writes, "The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning, it's time to sing Your song again. Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me --- Let me be singing when the evening comes." Amen to that! Tomorrow will be a new day.

The second song by 'King & Country' says, "And life is a race we run, So run till the race is won, Don't you ever give up ... Oh no never give up --- And oh, to everyone who's hit their limit, And even when you think you're finished ... It's not over yet ... It's not over yet"



At the conclusion of this blog ... I still do not know who America has chosen as their President.
What I know ... God is still in control ... & to Him will I pray. Amen!