Saturday, May 7, 2022

'Beauty Unexposed'

My 'Rachel Delevoryas' was Charlene. Though I never joined with the chorus of pain that so many brought her way, one day my omission in fact added immensely. As with Randy's song, this too was the 5th or 6th grade.

I had inadvertently stepped onto some dog crap only minutes prior to arriving at school one day. Quickly I attempted to rid my shoe of any evidence. Thinking I had done such, I walked into class. Sitting in my chair, next to Charlene, I immediately realized that I was mistaken.

Slowly our classmates began to sniff and say, "What is that smell"? Looking toward Charlene, each began to point, snicker and comment ~ "You stink"! Charlene, bigger than any of us boys, perhaps twice her average weight, with a large head and hair similar to Rachel's, sunk her head shamefully down. And I ~~ I said nothing......

~ I hope that this is what Charlene became ~
Deep emotion of regret swell up now & EVERY time I think of that moment. Charlene, I'm sooooo VERY sorry! Father, thank You that I've long since learned the value of speaking up for the vulnerable. Might we all have ~ might we all teach our children, our grandchildren, to be bold. To be the voice for the {Rachel's} ~~ for the {Charlene's} in our world. Might God's grace, which He so lavishly poured into our lives ~ be poured through our lives into our world.... 


A quote from Randy Stonehill: "This is a true story from my childhood. The first time I sang the song Rachel Delevoryas in public I was completely unaware that Rachel's sister was in the audience. Later that year Rachel surprised me by coming back stage after one of my concerts."