Friday, February 24, 2023

BROTHERHOOD ~ Where Christ is Center Stage ~

Abilities, talents, gifts … Some, almost don’t even require baiting the hook in order to catch fish. Others ~ like me, we’re better off just going to the restaurant. Ha! Most ~ we’ve sat in the fuselage of the aircraft, traveling across the country … or across the world. But, you’re best off to keep me out of the cockpit … Just saying! Music ~ we have different genres ~ and rarely do you find a person who does not like to listen to ‘their’ music. And playing ~ I can handle a guitar. But, a concert at ‘Red Rocks’ ~ yeah, you won’t find ‘moi’ on stage.

So MANY gifts that proceed from each of us. One that will NEVER be mine, is what I recently saw in El Salvador, as two fine brothers in our Savior preformed acrobatics on ‘kids bikes’. Aka … BMX! Danny and Vic, your abilities, your talents, those gifts which you've been blessed with … they bring a smile to my face. And my reality ... of solely being a spectator. Indeed!

But ~ an ability … a gift ... that I’ve been blessed to enjoy … is that of reading scripture as it was originally written. But, let me be honest. I meet with three other brothers weekly … And I’m pretty much the High School student amonst the ‘Professors’. None-the-less, to be able to go to the source of those early New Testament authors. How cool is that?

So you can imagine my surprise when I asked Danny about his ‘BROTHSRHOOD’ sweatshirt. You see the S in the middle is that of the Greek Sigma ~ So here you had a guy who has this ministry which has Christ as the center … and he wasn't aware of the fact ‘Christ’ was right there in the center of his shirt. Yes, S is the first letter of ‘Savior’ … Sωτήρ … What was simply a fancy ‘E’, has become so much more!

Danny & Vic ~ School in Ahuachapan
Perhaps the MOST important part … is that Christ is in the CENTER of their, of our lives. Amen to that! And though, like all … we have those days, when like Peter on the sea … we’re sinking more than believing. Still, we are grateful for this ‘BROTHSRHOOD’ ~ that in those times where we might be sinking ... that He the Sωτήρ is always faithful! And the ‘BROTHSRHOOD’ ~~ being His instruments, using those gifts in which He has so blessed each of us with ~~ we stand as brothers in support of the other.

To Danny & Vic … Love you guys!


Please follow the links below to see what Baja Christian Ministries are doing only a few miles south of the California border. One of those ministries is building 
a 'Bodega' for 'Brotherhood' ministries in Baja ... 
  Donate to the Bodega Construction ~ Brotherhood Ministries Bodega




Note: On Tablets and Cells Phones ~ The S looks solely like an English 'S'





Thursday, February 16, 2023

~~ Two Hundred ~~

Two hundred blogs … Sometimes we never know where a                                                               particular goal will take us, and what it will

A Favorite Sunset ~ Indeed
look like years from its beginning. That is the case for this blog which I began now fifteen years ago. My simple goal was to write … to journal … to blog about something that was on my mind. Something about my journey. That which both has significance and often is unique to this old guy.

I gave it the title, ‘Viajero...blogging Rick’s Journey’. Viajero means traveler in Spanish. I have seen no reason to change the name … for that is what God has so blessed me with.

Though it began at a snails pace … only five blogs in the first four years, my hope is to write at least one a month. I peaked a decade ago, beginning in 2012, as I determined to conclude the final fifty shifts of my firefighting career, by telling the story of that journey. I then continued in 2013 with what I called … ‘People, Places and Praises’, as I ventured on an amazing thirty-day ‘bucket list’ motorcycle trip.

2017 Coast to Coast
Personal highlights have been many. But they include: of course that first, ‘Go Vertical’, about climbing the Sears Tower. As well, my other stairclimb blog that I wrote in February 2022 called, ‘Thanks ~~ For the Pace’. That climb … was at the Empire State Building. Who gets to do this? I have been so blessed!

Some personal favorites from those fire blogs are: ‘Matters Not how a Man Dies’, ‘Jerry, and the Wild Diabetic’, ‘Bear Hug…Leaves a Lasting Impression’, or there was ‘Vick and the Zap!’, to the last, ‘A Grateful Firefighter says...Goodbye’. Other favorites include: ‘People, Places and Praises...Day 18...A Most Difficult Day’, Sequoia 2011, No ‘Step’ in this Dad, Around the Next Corner, Mom, ‘World Influencer’, or ‘No Tombstone...My Tribute to Mom’. As well there was, ‘Oregon ABCity Tour' … Exploring Our State, One Letter at a Time’, ‘Smell of the Mitt’, ‘I Tell You Rick’, ‘A Short Courtship’, ‘The Greatest Week’ and ‘Gizmo ~~ A Very Good Friend’.

Adventure & Reflection ~ Might they Continue
Each, are so much more than the titles given. Yet, I have found that those titles in fact have provided the very synopsis for each one. What stands out most … each were related particularly to a relationship or personal adventure. Some, are about my mother, or my father and my step-father. There have been those about my lovely wife, Karen. Others about uncle Ron, my children and very close friends. And of course last, but far from least … writing about this amazing journey called life, and the MANY ways that our Heavenly Father has literally guided my steps. I have been reminded often, and likewise encourage others, with what I concluded the blog called, ‘It’s Just A SIM Card’, saying, “Travel slowly, listen deeply and wait for much more than one can even imagine.” In doing such, I believe that your life can likewise be so very blessed!

Will I continue to write for another fifteen years, another two-hundred blogs? I would not dare ~ to be so bold. What I hope … that those who read would be encouraged in doing such. And perhaps, even comment. That, for some reason, has been few. And … What I know … Life provides amazing adventure. And if I’m so blessed to live to seventy-nine, and blessed to continue to write about this journey in which our Father has orchestrated … then, and only then … will blog four-hundred be written.


                                       Bebo Norman ... 'Nothing Without You'