Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Summer Beauty ~ Leaf & Flower

You walk on them … you live within them … you place your dinner on them … they separate your property … and they beautify the walls of your home. All the above have to do with the wonders of wood. From floors, to homes, your tables and fences … from picture frames to just lovely works of art. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of ways in which wood, lumber, and trees so enrich our lives.

On our property alone we enjoy two of the ten most abundant trees in the great Pacific Northwest. The Douglas Fir and the Norway Maple provide both beauty and tons of shade … a special blessing on those hot summer days. We also enjoy a couple Cherry trees, a Hazelnut, and a less popular, yet most goregous Golden Chain.

And though each have a beauty all their own, it’s one that you’ve likely never heard of that always holds a special place for me. As it has grown, its size has attempted to wreak havoc on our neighbors roof, as well as our driveway. Yet, with continued care, I hope to never say goodbye.

Oh, so fragrant!
It is said that there are more than 70,000 species of trees. And this particular one … are typically native to warm and subtropical climates. Yeah … not quite the description of our great Willamette Valley. How we’re blessed to have one of three that can be seen within our town … beats me.

A leaf larger than any I’ve ever beheld. And come mid-June, she provides a flower that displays both beauty and a fragrance that is wonderfully delightful. The ‘Catalpa’, or ‘Northern Catalpa’ to be precise! Thanks for adding a most incredible decoration to our South Third home.

So what’s in your yard, or your neighborhood? Slow down, and enjoy the amazing beauty in which we’ve been blessed by our Creator. You may just discover that you too have a unique species directly within view.



 Genesis 2:9 "And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every 

tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food." 


Thanks Brad for the video, and Brian Doerksen for the song!

Friday, June 2, 2023

~ Tears of Legacy ~

 “Sometimes these days, I find that I just burst into tears. I never was this weepy, but I feel as if I’m unable to control my emotions”. A little more than a decade older, this fine gentleman and I have always enjoyed chatting over a coffee or a meal. The wisdom that he brings … the life experience that we share … provide conversations that are seldom silent.

Truthfully speaking … I’ve always found myself a fairly emotional person. Something which I imagine few are aware of. But in the same manner of this gentleman, these ‘senior’ years … closer to sixty-five, than sixty-four … how did that happen? Yes, in these ‘senior’ years I find that the tears flow more readily than before. And often, at the simplest of thoughts.

Two weeks ago, those tears were the result of a song by Matthew West. Called, ‘Hello My Name Is’, the verse that grabbed me was, “I’m no longer defined, by the wreckage behind. The One who is making all things new, has proven it’s true. Just take a look at my life”.

As I repeated the song, not once … not twice … no, likely ten or more times. What caused my life to change? What makes it so I’m no longer defined … yes, NO LONGER defined by the wreckage behind. There is plenty. How is this possible? I have only one answer … He, who is making all things new … wow! Just take a look at my life.

And the tears this morning. You’re gonna laugh … they were while writing graduation cards. As I said, Sometimes it’s “The simplest of thoughts”. But why? Four beautiful young ladies. All whom we’ve known since birth. Well, one since her adopted birth into a most wonderful family. And yes, just writing this required a moment to compose myself, as tears again began to flow.

~ This ... brings 'Joy' ~

These ladies are proceeding into a dark world. But, as I wrote in my most recent blog, “Called Out of Darkness”, His light is to shine through our lives, into the lives of others. Most of my tears were those of joy. The joy of watching the legacy of their families manifest itself through their very lives. A joy in knowing that they’ve received such an incredible foundation. A foundation from their families, and from the written word of God. And, a joy and hope that they will bring the very same to a hurting and broken world.

But my tears do not stop there. No, they are tears for my own legacy. As I pray for my children and grandchildren … to look at my life. To understand that I am ... that we … no longer have to be defined by the wreckage behind. Might they allow Him … The Creator of all things. The Redeemer of the broken … to change them as well.

Returning ... to my recent lunch with my friend. His hardships in the past decade would make most “burst into tears”. Yet, behind the tears, is a heart of joy. Not ... joy in the circumstances. Rather, joy in the providence of God. And upon his face … an unending smile. A smile that beams with the radiance … radiance that can only be bestowed by the grace of our Redeemer.


Oh ... one last thought. I in no means want to make myself any spiritual giant. I know ... that I am not! But ... could it be that we become more weepy with age, as we have had years of experiences. We've allowed the Savior to soften these old hearts ... in order to be sensitive to what He cares about most. And that is ... a broken  world. I can only hope that this is what these tears are about. Perhaps they are expressions of the Father Himself....