Saturday, March 23, 2024

Let Us be 'Fishers' ~ Not Phishers of Men

 Why not??? As they come ‘phishing’ for us, might we return the favor … Let us be fishers of men.

Just in the past two days I’ve posted two vehicles for sale on two different sites, including ‘Facebook Marketplace’. Oh my goodness! The first (and so far only) three responses of interest have come from those on “Phishing” expeditions. What a sad world of people who would rather steal than work. So, I’ve decided that if they are going to go “Phishing”, so will I. Ha!

First, a word to the wise … or, as may be the case, the unwise, or naively gullible. In this electronic ‘www’ world … where the internet, that has many wonderful qualities, it can also be a place for the most reprehensible of mankind. They would rather “phish” for your information, rob you blind, and be absolutely fine while completing their shameful behavior.

How did I recognized the ‘phishing’ of “Will”, “Michael”, and “Noel”? “Michael” was the best. His/her spelling was correct, and then during our correspondence, provided me with what appeared to be a legit email. They start slowly, asking about the vehicle or product. They want to arrange a time and location. I would suggest a store. But then ~ ‘Boom … shakalaka!’ “Can you send me a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) report”? That, by itself is not a problem. The problem lies in the website that they wish to use. I let “Michael” know that I already have a report from the website that I’m using. To which “Michael” replies, “Sorry but I haven't heard about this site before so I'm not sure about it. I trust the data of the site which I've used before so I would appreciate it if you can pull one from here.” It is clicking onto this site, and providing information, when the “Phishing” expedition receives its “Hook, line and sinker”. Gotcha!

From here on out, I will begin any interest with my product with, “I have a verified VIN Report, so please do not request for one”. Also, do not provide phone numbers or any other personal information.

So … what have I done, and will continue to do? I am, and will become a true 'Fisher of Men'. Like me, a sinner, they as well have a need for the cross of Christ Jesus, our Savior. For whom, in the next two weeks, we will celebrate ‘Easter’. The man from Galilee, who became the Rabbi and Master for twelve, and would die at the hands of the authorities. He shed His blood on a cross made of wood. They placed Him in a tomb. But ~ Thanks be to God ~ the tomb could not defeat Him. No! On the third day, Jesus rose from the grave, for whom we celebrate.

And you too ~ Romans says, “All have sinned, and fall short of God’s glory”. And continues, “But God demonstrated His love for us, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly”. I don’t know about you, but myself, along with these “Phishers” of men, are placed into that category. “But, the free gift of God, is eternal life through Jesus”. And what are you, and what can you do about this? Know that your sin, that my sin, that the “phishers” sin, has separated us from a holy God. But God, even when we were dead in our sins, because of His mercy, He saved us. And Romans again continues in chapter 10, verses 9 & 10 with, “If we confess with our mouth that Jesus is lord, and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we can be saved.” Why, “Because with the heart, one believes”, that Jesus has provided the righteousness … He has rescued us from our sins. And, “With the mouth, one confesses and is saved” from those sins.

In the gospel of John, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, but through me”.

I ask, “What will you do with this information”? For me, thanks be to God, I believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And with such, I choose to be a “Fisher of Men”. And will continue to state such to these lost “Phishers” of men. Might God have mercy on their souls, as He has on mine.