Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stairclimbs, Trees and dogs

So blog #2...When thinking of blogging, like a journal, there are many things that I would like to write about and hope to add over time. As with so much of life...we are just to busy. We own to much, schedule to much and thus must maintain so much. And then things happen!

So the 'winter blast' occurred throughout the Northwest over a 2 1/2 week period in December 2008. Yes, there was difficult driving, a bunch of stuck vehicles and the other typical findings, but our biggest effect was our Ash tree. Beautiful in the summer with cooling shade. And then in the fall it brought the most spectacular yellow leaves. It found itself a victim of this winter blast. After several hours (over 16 at press time) of cleanup work, I find that I still have many hours remaining. We knew that it was just a matter of time. Now let me make an editorial statement here... I am not one of the "environmental" persuasion, still, I have come to greatly appreciate the creation that God has so blessed us with. Enjoying and respecting the beauty that our Creator has provided is the right thing to do.

This brings us to the dog...Shawnee, seen in the picture above, was our beloved pet for nearly 14 years. Shawnee died. likely from heart failure, Sunday January 4th, 2009. Many of you who read this who are BIG pet lovers will not even question the following, but I must admit it took me by surprise. You see, I never knew just how attached one becomes to a pet. Karen and I have laughed, cried and enjoyed the stories remembering this little furball. I used the term of endearment meatball for her. She will be greatly missed. Again, a wonderful part of the creation God has blessed us with. So it seemed appropriate that our little dog be buried in the whole that the tree had so left us. Not to be enshrined, but definitely to be remembered.

And lastly 'Stairclimbs'. At it again. With a team of currently 8 firefighters we will climb in the American Lung Associations 'Scale the Strat'. That is the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, Nevada. Support if you wish be clicking unto our 'Firefighers Web' team at www.mrsnv.com/evt/e01/evtteamslist.jsp?id=2348. Then in March another Firefighter Stairclimb up the Columbia Center in Seattle, Washington. You can view that website and/or sponsor at: www.llswa.org/site/TR/Events/General?px=1080561&pg=personal&fr_id=1060.

So, that's all for blog 002. Perhaps when 003 comes along, life will be a bit less complicated. I can only hope.

God's blessing on you as you enjoy His wonderful creation.


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