Today was simply amazing, a ride through the Willamette Valley countryside on my Yamahaug. Joined along the path were meets with Jon and later Tom (of Blossom Lane). But that which will be eternally etched in this mind is my hour on 93rd Street.
A friend had mentioned a ride in this particular area, but I was not prepared for what lay in store. I parked the bike and stepped out onto the road and took in the 360° view. What my eyes beheld was nothing short of beauty unsurpassed. At that moment, in that time, this place held for me one of ‘wonders of the world’. Before lay Mount Hood, St. Helens and Adams...and a spec of Jefferson. To the west, the coast range and valleys below. During the first 30 minutes I walked the double solid line in the middle of the road without the passing of one vehicle. Even through the second 30 minutes only 20 cars would pass. I was left to the road, the view and the sound...some of birds, but mostly the wind. The day was most perfect, in the mid 70’s, with clear brilliant blue skies. And I prayed, and I listened, and I wondered.
I ask, when can you just stand in the middle of the road and...wonder? I looked from where I had come from...the road I had just journeyed. And I looked ahead at the road that lay before. A road that I had never traveled. Yet, for sure I shall soon return.
And the parallels that flowed...between 93rd Street Five minutes ago, five years ago...I have been there. I lived each and every moment. Yet, even five seconds ahead, I know not. I know not! They are surprises. I have my plans, I know my goals, will it all play out? I know not! The road that I’ve journeyed...marked with suffering...and marked with blessing. Such to be sure, will be that journey which lies ahead.
So I gazed, I walked and I felt & listened to the wind. And Paul’s words spoke again into this soul, “the Spirit helps with our weakness, for what shall we pray as it is necessary? We do not know.” But wait, the writer does not leave us here. He continues, “But the Spirit” intercedes, no He “super-intercedes with unspeakable groanings. And He who searches the hearts, knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because according to God He intercedes in behalf of the saints.” It’s like the wind. The best place to be sure of regular times of wind is on top. On top, just on top! There are times when the wind does not blow, but you can be sure that the wind will blow, and it will blow often and with power. When we, weak and suffering souls, go to His word for daily strength...daily’s like being on top. You can be sure, so very sure, that His Spirit will blow. Maybe not always in your life. But, give it Him...give Him time...His Spirit will surely blow...will surely direct and super-intercede in your life.
And you know what...I know you do...I...did leave...that moment. But I must. We all must move forward. And...we won’t, we, I will not know how even the next five seconds will play out. Make our plans, have our goals, but be ready for the unexpected. And you, and I...can be most prepared for that moment when our strength, when our time is spent in His Word...viewing His Cross...led by His Spirit.
Thank you 93rd Street for your beauty, and for the reminder of the path...both that which has been traveled...and that which lay before. And in the simple truth that though I had never journeyed this road before, that there will be new wonder just ahead. And the parallel...tomorrow there will be new beauty...there will be new wonder...experiences held for the very first time. That...was 93rd Street.
No not '93rd St', but close ~~ Simon & Garfunkel - Feelin' Groovy aka '59th Street Bridge'