Sunday, September 30, 2012

50 Year Celebration...PAF&R

911 10th Anniversary Bell
The Original Crews
So tomorrow is the 50 year celebration of Portland Airport Fire and Rescue (PAF&R), of which I have been part of over 1/2 that time. One thing that's cool about this is that I have bridged the gap between those first employed to the current employees. In fact I was the replacement of one of the very first employees hired on October 1, 1962, Jack Barnard. I worked with Jack the last month that he worked for the FD. I've told the story many times about one 2am call that I had with Jack and FF Mickey Mouse (the name has been changed to protect the guilty). The other FF was our driver, I was in the middle seat and Jack in the 'shotgun' seat of one of our Crash rigs 'Fire 82'. Jack and I were in the truck waiting for the driver when he slowly turned his head toward me and said, "son, you're about to be in for the ride of your life". And yes it was:) The driver had quite the 'lead foot' plus interesting turning procedures and we had quite the ride for sure.
Stan, Mitch, Bob, me, Bill, Dan, Al, Byron, Willy, Ron, Rex and Tom

For this celebration I am putting together a 'PowerPoint' that reminisces the time from 1962 until 2012. What a span of time and what an amazing amount of history. Will I be back in 2037 for the 75th? Let's see! For now, I'm thankful for many good years with many folks. Thank you men and some women for enhancing my career. I'll write more about some of these experiences in the days ahead.

That's SHIFT 47...

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