Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Elmendorf, Marriage, P15 and Northern Lights

Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska

SHIFT 44... Stop number two along my fire service career landed me at Elmendorf Air Force Base Alaska. Arriving in early September 1978 gave me a little time before the extreme weather came knocking. Having been born in the south and then raised in the Los Angeles area, to say that this was 'different' is definitely an understatement. I went from shorts, tank-tops and sandals to thermals, parkas and bunny boots. But more than the weather, what stands out about my Alaskan tour...

Mr. & Mrs Richard Williams September 29, 1979
Soon meeting, falling in love and marrying my bride of now 33 years...miss Karen Yvonne. And she said that she'd never date another 'Rick' and never a 'military man'. It must of been my charm:) In the picture to the side are two fire buddies, our best man Dave Dodson and another dear friend Mike Hart. Dave went on to a highly talented Instructor in Firefighter Safety. I last saw Dave about 17 years ago. Mike...lost contact with the man who was always smiling.

 Another aspect of that tour was driving and instructing some of the biggest pieces of fire apparatus in the world. The 'P2 was the first truck that I would become certified on. Today it is a complete dinosaur...of course a lot of my current comrades say the same thing about me. To which I reply...see you in the 'Stairwell' or on the 'Pickleball Court'...stories for another shift. One of the coolest fire trucks of all-time would have to be the P15. Shown below exiting out of a C5 Galaxy, this truck had two turrets in which you operated by standing on top of the rig. They had a contest prior to its' arrival at Elmendorf in order to name the truck. The winning name was 'Big Dipper'. Not really super original, but it did fit and the picture of the 'Big Dipper' on the side of the truck looked great.
P15 exits off a C5 'Galaxy'
P15 Discharging from the Roof Turret

I could ramble a lot about those days, but suffice it to say that at least one other amazing part of Alaska was the Aurora Borealis. I can't imagine ever losing interest in watching their dazzling shows. I know I never did. I look forward to experiencing their beauty and the beauty of Alaska once again.

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