Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trade Time, Kelly Days and Call Shifts

SHIFT 35...Rick's ReFlections of his 32 year career in the Fire Service...

 For work schedules, there’s not many better than that of the Firefighter. Of course if I had the opportunity to become a baseball player…yeh, we know how that turned out. Anyway, our schedule allows us to be at the kid’s school when other dad’s are at work, or able to beat the crowds for the day hike, the day on the river in your kayak or the casual lunch with the wife. Due to the schedule many firefighters will take on another job, some are almost full-time with that job as well. Yet with these benefits there are also draw backs. There are no such things as ‘holidays’. I’ve easily worked Christmas 14 times, also Thanksgivings, Fourth of July and other holidays. And trying to have a ‘regular’ particular day scheduled is tough…for example to do something that is always on Monday. With my schedule I’m always working at least every third Monday. 
...Example of a years Calendar...

All employees have access to time off through vacation or sick days. Firefighters as well, but we also have Trade Time shifts or Kelly Days. A ‘trade time’ is just what it sounds. For example today is likely my last trade shift that I’ll work, as today I work for Dave. I’m not getting paid today, Dave is. The cool thing is…Dave owes me. I have a shift on the books in which Dave will have to pay be back upon my request. Though many firefighters work their trades this way, I will typically know in advance what day I’d like off. The ‘Kelly Day’ on the other hand is a day when your shift is working, but you’re off. Kelly Days originated in order to off-set FLSA overtime. As with your other ‘normal’ shifts off, your K-Days are set for the entire year. 

Then there are ‘Call Shifts’, which are overtime shifts that you work for fellow firefighters who are off for vacation, sick or other leave. The difference between a ‘call shift’ and the typical 40 hour overtime is that you’re working an entire 24 hour shift. That means a 48 hour shift and sometimes a 72 and even the occasional 96…ouch! There are few who truly understand our schedule less our spouse, who at times don’t appreciate our schedule because once more...they are at a function without us.

Bottom line…it’s a job like any other…that is having pros and cons. Most of us deal with the cons because we typically appreciate the work and the shifts.

See you next shift…oh that’ll be tomorrow…just another double!


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