Monday, February 18, 2013

I salute the men and women that I've had the privilege to work with....

82 Hours Remaining Rick's ReFlections of his 32 years career in the Fire Service...

Duane…my brother in Christ and dear friend
Kenny…who puts us in stitches
Randy…in your prime, the best Lieutenant
Gula…the best officer our department has had
Mitch…a good medic, most diligent employee
Tracy…thanks for being a good partner and LT
Rob…early struggle, afterward excellent pursuit
Big Al…first Paramedic Coordinator and best ping pong player
Little Al…always a good friend – Go Dodgers! Go Ducks!
Zoo, Fish and John C…thanks for some B Time!
JT…ya all be good now ya hear. Paramedic down!
John…thanks for joining me in Stairclimb adventures!
Paramedic Partners…RSI someone for me:)
Big A…dry humor, gentle spirit
Karyn…put into her hands and – she’ll get it done!
Bruce…can fabricate a story like none other:)
Byron…sure glad you were at the helm that day:)
Pete…how about another great tour?
Obie…sure you don’t want to play Pickleball?
Stone…don’t think that you’ll ever regularly beat Justin…
Weber…always the heart for excellent patient care
Ron…I finally took a complete tennis match from you

Prior to PAF&R…
Dave Dodson…more than a ‘best man’
Duane Foy…a southern gentleman, brother in Christ
JB…little man Byers
Mike Harte…great smile and big heart!
Roy Ingram…couple weeks at Chanute, and now Reunited!


911 Hero performed by Michael Israel in New York



Roy said...

I don't belong on this list!

Rikaman said...

Each is on the list for a reason. Though yours may seem insignificant...the memory is quite remarkable of both my arrival at Chanute and finding an High School buddy there and then our most recent re-encounter. Those are reasons enough for me. So must remain:)