I enjoy many pleasures of this life...riding my motorcycle, SCUBA diving, walking along the beach, kayaking with only the sound of the wind and birds, but I'm not sure if anything surpasses that of watching the stars.
Might the stars never cease to amazes us... |
Last night after completing some work on the bike I decided to call a friend and just lay back on our hammock and star gaze. It seems like there was nothing that I could do to interest my friend to enjoy them as I. Now if it was food, well...like all guys, food speaks to him. Or if I was to introduce him to a new friend...well, this guy loves people! That's not to say that he doesn't like other creatures...he loves other dogs, cats, deer, butterfly's, bees, even spiders. He even loves the hammock, but I just couldn't interest him in the stars. And I thought...as beautiful as he is, he just isn't able to enjoy God's amazing stars quite like me.
Star Gazing with a Friend |
Yes, the friend I speak of is 'Miko', our Schipperke puppy. As I viewed, for an untold number of times in my life, "the stars also", he just laid there quietly by my side. To him that was sufficient. Still, I could not help to think what he was missing.
A year or so back as I was venturing through the Old Testament I decided to slow down and pick out what are the significant pearls to me. For chapter one of Genesis it was: LET's LaFF with HIM. Yes, I'm acronym silly.
Really, he does love the hammock :) |
Day One: Light
Day Two: Expanse
Day Three: Terrain and seeds
Day Four: Light...this time the sun, moon and even the stars...and
Day Five: Fish and Foul
Day Six: Hordes of animals and in His Image...Man
Thank you Lord for the uniqueness of every aspect of Your creation. I am grateful that the simple task of star gazing can provide such joy and amazement.
Might you join me and LET'S LaFF with HIM!
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