Thursday, August 6, 2015

ABCity Eastern Oregon Motorcycle Tour 2015 - Entry 5

How can you beat spectacular? When you think that you've seen the most beautiful area of this state of Oregon, you're struck by 'Lower Cove Road' and 'Highway 204'. The first one especially had me thinking,  "I could live here!". And once again I was reminded of a desire to have a 'GoPro' or something similar in order to capture the sites along the way. 

Unable to find 'Union Junction', I came upon 'Union Station' in the same vicinity. Hey Curt, does this count? It appears to be an OSU Agricultural Extension. From here less than a mile into my final ABCity town of this ride, that of 'Union'. I was able to find another mural (not as defined as many, but) that told some history about the area of Catherine Creek.
The day concluded meeting up with friends in Farewell Bend State Park along the Snake River. A lovely site indeed along this giant of a river. Good conversation, stories and dinner before heading of to my 'Passage 2' tent, safe from what I'm sure are 'Idaho mosquitoes' :), for a nights sleep under a spectacular view into the heavenly stars above. Oh thank you Creator God! 

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