Friday, March 25, 2016

"God Put You In My Way"

Abou Fatma: Are you a deserter?
Harry Faversham: Something like that. I was sent to fight and I ran away.
Abou Fatma: Why?
Harry Faversham: Why? I just... There are many reasons why. Mostly I was afraid.
Abou Fatma: [laughs] I found you halfdead crossing the desert alone. And you say you are afraid?
Harry Faversham: There's a different kind of fear. Why are you protecting me?
Abou Fatma: God put you in my way. I have no choice.
Harry Faversham: God? An Englishman... and a Christian? You must have done something terrible to offend him. [laughs]
                                                        Four Feathers 2002

Cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, SnapTalk, Google, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and more consume and often disengage our lives from the need directly before our eyes or simply sitting in the seat next to us. How are we ever to recognize whom 'God has put in our way' if all these didistractions become our focus?
For years, perhaps since the 'Four Feathers' debuted now 14 years ago, I have related the story and illustration found deep within this fine movie on several occasions. God has likewise placed an untold number of actual people and circumstances 'in my way' as proof of the tremendous value of its truth.

The connection of the two paragraphs above is once again found within one of my key 'mantras' of life, that is 'Simplicity, Flexibility and Availability'. When life has a much simpler fare to it, we become less distracted and are more likely to engaged to the need of the moment. Perhaps it's like being at a ballgame. You have the vendor going by offering an array of goodies; your cell phone tones alerting you to a new message; someone passes in front of you on their way to the snack bar; your engaged to the laughter and story of a fan sitting behind you... Just slightly distracted, you're unaware that the most amazing play of the game is unfolding until you hear the roar of the crowd... And's to late, you missed it. Sure, replay will bring some redemption, but life does not so easily provide such a replay. 

In the stillness of creation...sits simplicity!
 One such person that 'God has placed in my way' recently is Everett. My wife and I met Everett and Dorothy in June of 2014. We were getting back on our Goldwing when they approached the bike. Everett with his brilliant smile said, "Now that's something we'd like to do again". After some conversation we agreed to meet in the near future. Due to timing and schedules (what did I say about simplicity) it would not happen until October. At that lunch engagement we were able to enjoy wonderful conversation about our journeys through life. It just so happened that both couples were off on extended trips and thus would not be able to connect again. Fast-forward some fifteen months when I would give Everett a call. A couple additional rounds of phone-tag and learning that Dorothy had died, we were able to reconnect.

If only we had a sign to remind us...
Since that time Everett and I have been meeting weekly over coffee, breakfast and even the VA where we enjoyed church during our 10 hour visit. Just this last week Everett asked, "Rick, why did you reconnect with me after such a long time"? "Everett, 'God placed you in my way' "!

My hope and encouragement is that you would intentionally limit the busyness and distraction factor in your life. That you would go about your daily routine being available for that very person that 'God will put in your way'. It may be just for the moment, or it may be a new friend for a life time.


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