So I ask... are you in the 50% of Hillary's "Basket of
deplorables"? Or perhaps the better question to ask, "Could/should
Hillary lower herself into the proverbial 'basket of deploarables'?" Charles M.
Blow in his Sept 12, 2016 article is quick to state, "Donald Trump is a deplorable
candidate — to put it charitably — and anyone who helps him". He goes on
to add all the 'factual statistics' to back his statement. But if you were to
read articles written in January and June this year by Paul Heideman and Brian
Anderson, they present a Hillary that could easily be tossed into the
'deplorable camp'. Hillary concludes her first paragraph (and most "deplorable"
phrase) of her speech with, "They ARE irredeemable"! Ouch!
Really...and once again I ask, "Is Hillary also irredeemable?"
Actually, if I understand the gospel of Jesus Christ, Hillary is no more "deplorable" than the rest of us, nor is she "irredeemable". What is "deplorable" is throwing stones in the proverbial 'glass cathedral'. Yet, fortunately for Hillary and the some odd billion inhabitants of this planet earth (myself included), each have access to the all-forgiving and all-redeeming blood of the Savior, Jesus Christ. To some (I wouldn't attest 50%, though possibly) in the 'Trump camp' would cringe at the slightest thought of sitting beside Hillary Rodman Clinton, partaking a meal together in the presence of the Savior. And then there are likely many of the 'Hillary camp' who likewise cringe regarding my exclusivity of Christ being the one and only Savior of the world. But...this is what I believe. And you know what? I won't even consider you "deplorable" if you disagree with me.
Yes, it is the 'political season', a season when things said,
advertisements shown, are surely quite "deplorable". The good news,
of Jesus that is, is that YOU are not irredeemable! You are rather very
redeemable. Thanks be to the One born of virgin birth, living a 'plorable'/sinless
life, who was placed on a "deplorable" cross, shedding His blood for
my sin (and yours likewise), then rose again the third day, never to die again.
Grateful to be redeemable!
I Corinthians 15, Romans 6 and Romans 10...a life worth
Charles M.
Blow SEPT. 12, 2016
Heideman January 26, 2016
Anderson June 11, 2016 by (
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Very well said.
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