Friday, May 26, 2017

Coast to Coast...01

‘Coast to Coast’ aka ‘Newport Triangle’ … three years in the making is now completing our third week. Days prior to departure I was considering what this trip meant to me. I came up with Adventure, Connection and Service.

When considering a journey across this amazing country of ours that will likely eclipse 10,000 miles, Adventure … it’s what’s for dinner.

The display of adventure surely presents itself in many forms. Some have arrived though ‘challenges’, yet they haven’t stolen our joy. Each challenge came in the most of opportune times. The fuel pump…at home; the trailer tire…2 miles from Les Schwab’s Tire Center; the low fuel moment…a gas station one mile away; and suspension plus issuing parts challenge…found while at the home of old friends. Was their timing that of chance, or did the Lord provide a tad of protection?

Then of course weather is not always that perfect 78 degree, blue sky, no wind type of travel. Oh no! We’ve had plenty of our share of challenges this way as well. Take for example the 35 degree morning with some snow. Or some two weeks later…97 degrees and lovely humidity as we ventured across Florida’s ‘panhandle’. There has been everything in between from high winds to just good Ole rain. All but one of the torrential downpours has occurred at night, with bikes covered and the four of us safely under cover. Yesterdays one mile ride between the Cracker Barrel and our imminent nights lodging at Howard Johnson’s had us taking cover for 15 minutes under Interstate 95. And once again…thank You Lord!
Birth State...Mississippi

The last challenge that makes a great segue into ‘connection’ … that is relationship. The vow does say, “In sickness and in health”, then continues, “Till death do us part”. And it might, if we’re not careful :) These are surely challenges through the ‘normal’ routine of life, but slightly intensified (pun intended) when you’re “joined at the hip” via a motorcycle seat :) Yet, not only is there the challenge of those sharing the same seat, now for over 4,000 miles, but also connected to another couple and each others idiosyncrasies. Consideration of ‘one another’ … perhaps of greatest concern.

Continuing the “connection” theme … there have been many, from the wonderful and extended visit and hospitality of Roberdito and Jenny, to brief, but a lovely visit with my cousins Cheryl and Ali Jo, to Papa and Nan Jopp, from Karen’s sister Penny, her cousins Judy and Ronnie, her aunt and uncle Kathy and Sandy, to yesterday’s visit with the now matriarch, aunt Betty and her exuberant smile and attitude!. And the list continues to the many waitresses and hotel staff, to the little boy enjoying a moment upon the Goldwing in Huntsville, Missouri or the brief conversation with a 95 year old former motor police officer.
Florida Gulf

And last, but as they say, “not least”, service. Being able to anonymously pay for the breakfast of the couple married some 66 years in American Falls, Idaho, to little acts of service along the way.

So here’s to the next three weeks of the journey.
Atlantic Sunrise
At the Atlantic

VERY fortunate that only the tires happen to be our problem. Bummer for Jim & Sandi

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