Thursday, January 6, 2022

You ... and I

 Hey son, watched this movie on Tuesday with some friends. It is called, 'American Underdog'. It is the true story about Kurt Warner. I followed his story some as it was unfolding in the early 2000's, but now with the movie ... wow, even more so for sure.

Ready to work, yeah baby!

In the YouTube interview called, "Kurt Warner, Zachary Levi (the actor who plays 'Kurt' as well was the lead in the show 'Chuck'), and Wally Talk American Underdog", Kurt says these words.  

.... talking about ‘facing’ the aisle, i.e. pulling the store product to the front of the shelf. I don’t know if when you make your trip to the grocery store at 5am in the morning you’re ever going to notice what my aisle was like. But I never left the store at night until I said, “I’m gonna have the best aisle in this store”. My aisle is going to be faced better, it’s going to be cleaner, it’s going to look better than anybody else's aisle in this store. And I would walk out at night and nobody ever told me, “You got the best isle”. And nobody ever walked in and said, “It looks great”.

But it was a moment for me...

Doesn’t matter where I’m at, doesn’t matter what my circumstances are. There’s a way that I want to do everything. There’s a way that I want to live, and I want to live with excellence. ~~ I found myself in that grocery store and had no idea why I was there. But it was something that I learned in that moment that I took with me everywhere I went from there. Whether it was my football career, whether it was being a husband, being a father, being a Christian. Didn’t really matter. That mindset was shaped in a grocery store at two o’clock in the morning, but would ultimately shape who I would become as an individual.” Kurt Warner

And I thought about that morning when my son (you) was working as a Merchandiser for Coca Cola. I went to the Fred Myers in Newberg to drop something off for you. You were kneeling down while cleaning up from a fellow merchandiser. It was a Wednesday, though your first day back ... i.e. your Monday. While kneeling down you stopped, looked up at me and said, "You know dad it's a curse". "What", I said. "This work ethic that you gave me".

I'm sure that I've said before, that it comes naturally as through my very own mother. Kept in balance with life ~~ it will always serve us well. And take us to places ... wow ... I would never have imagined where my Paramedic schooling would take me. Now across this globe a few times. All because, as with Kurt, I want to live with excellence!

And even baseball ~ from those young days with my coach 'Joe'. It didn't matter what others thought or did. I was ALWAYS going to do it best. Show the best. Be my best! And now I have the privilege to take those skills and that ethic to Mexico and beyond to prepare the next generation to always give their best regardless of their circumstances ~ Who knows where it will take them. Or who knows which one might become an amazing builder, a doctor, a scientist ... discover or do that which might provide for their community in amazing ways. And to know that it all began ~~ just because someone 'did their best'. Because someone 'lived with excellence' in such a way that they took a hold of that ethic and did something amazing with it.

Anyway, just thinking of you ~~ my nearly 37 year old baby. Ha!

Love you, Dad

                                                            "I want to live with excellence!" (Minute 6:30 and on ...)
                                                    "Life made him an underdog ... Faith made him a Champion"
 From the 'Wally Show' ~

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