Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Our Plans ... His Steps …

I counted, trece, catorce, quince … that is thirteen, fourteen, fifteen … as he completed his lagartijas. I smiled and asked, “¿Cuantas lagartijas hiciste?” That is, “How many push-ups did you do?”

I love the Spanish word for push-ups, ‘lagartija’. Simply, a lizard. Why not? The visual is perfect, right?

We introduced ourselves, chatted a bit, and then he asked if I wanted to do another set of lagartijas with him. I smiled again. He did not realize who he was asking. Just another OLD man, right? He pushed through to get another fifteen. And the old man ... continued with, “Dieciseis, diecisiete”, and so on. He then knew that had been taken by a ringer. Ha :)

Ricardo y Rogelio
It was just another peaceful morning on the Malecón in Puerto Vallarta. I asked if he’d like to join me climbing to the Mirador de la Cruz. Something that we’ve enjoyed several times since, and will continue. The following week, a visit to the Optometry business, where he’s employed. And today, joining us a second time at church, has reinforced a new and likely lasting friendship.

Through this relationship with my new friend, Rogelio, I’ve been reminded of some valuable lessons, which I have found while reading through the book of Proverbs. Over the past two months I’ve read a chapter a day, focusing particularly with regard to wisdom. As well, those verses that have grabbed my attention.

Chapter 16, verse 3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” So, there needs to be the intention of commitment ~ to the Lord. OK! Continuing a tad further in verse nine, we read, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Now wait a second. We need to commit, and then our plans will succeed. It is we who plan our course ... we who plan our routine, that which we’re going to accomplish for any given day, but … the Lord is determining the actual steps. Stay with me for one more verse! Chapter twenty, twenty-four, “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand His way.”

Perhaps I’m wrong, but here’s my current take away from these verses written by Solomon, said to be the wisest of all. We ponder, we educate ourselves, we search and prepare for what we’ll become and how we’d like to proceed in life. And in this process of planning and of committing, to be in step (pun intended) with ultimately the Lord’s direction for each moment. Allowing His character of humility, grace, joy, relationship, gratefulness … among many others … to be ready for and to be impacting our world at any given moment.

I … we … can not understand His way. But, if we’re honest with the commitment, if we’re intentional with the plans, then, the Lord is able to determine … He is able to direct our steps. And sometimes, those steps lead to the cross. Sometimes those steps lead to new and vibrant friendship.

The view from 'El Mirador de la Cruz'
On that Monday morning a few weeks ago, I had absolutely no thought that Rogelio would be placed in my way. My plan, my course was to simply walk to the Malecón, and then up the steps to the Cross. But within “my” plan, within “my” course, the Lord directed the “steps”.

Might we all have a plan, a course in life … but wait with expectation, with anticipation, and with excitement for those particular steps in which the Lord will direct. 



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