Saturday, December 29, 2012

Where Were You? Times We Will Never Forget…

SHIFT 18...Rick's ReFlections of his 32 years career in the Fire Service...

At the 'Reflection Ponds'...a somber moment...
Its September 10th, 2001…just a typical ‘B’ Shift…to be honest I cannot remember anything from that shift until we’re awakened at approximately 6am the morning of the 11th to an announcement over the PA of a plane crash in NYC into the North World Trade Center Tower. Within the next hour three more planes would crash and over the next several hours we, along with the nation…and the world, would become numb once again at the painful reality of man’s senseless destruction upon himself. Portland International Airport…along with all domestic aircraft movement throughout the U.S. was brought to an absolute standstill. They would remain this way for another three days. It was an eerie silence having worked at the time for over 20 years at airports. I will experience only one other time in which the airport will be completely closed…that was for a major ice storm in 2004.

'343' at the FDNY Museum
There have been times that we would pray at the Fire House…most often at dinner, but this day as I stood and looked around at my fellow firefighters…I remember asking “can we pray?” Even that prayer I do not remember…other than that it was about the anguish that so many were experiencing. We would come to find out that 343 of our fellow firefighters would unselfishly pay the ultimate sacrifice.  
2,973 names...Peace...

As I move into the next 'Twenty-Seven’ chapter of life (see November 29th, ‘Shift 27’), I look forward to what the Lord has in store. I believe that it will largely include His gospel of peace…something the world is in great need of. Might we all be pursuers of peace… ‘peace on earth, good will toward men’. The video is of the 'Tribute of Light' at the Reflection pond.

Good night! Might 2013 have be happy year...not just a happy New Year. 

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