Tuesday, November 17, 2015

God Made the Colors...For You & Me

It was the 1970's and a duo who called themselves 'Gospel Seed' wrote the following lines. A song that I have likely quoted more than any other. Thank you Gary and Mike.

Golden Chain
"God made the colors for you and me, beautifully for us to see, glad He didn't it black and white, much to our delight. God put the colors in the red red rose and in the green of the grass that grows, and all the colors of the butterfly as they go fluttering by.

But the colors I love best is when I lay my head to rest, is watching while clouds go floating by on the blue color of the sky. La la la la la la la la la la la...la la la la la la la la la la la...la la la la la la la la la la la...Colors are yours and mine.

Orange is the color of the fruit on the tree, pick it and eat it so naturally, purple is the color of the grape on the vine, colors are yours and mine.
But the colors I love best is when I lay my head to rest, is watching white clouds go floating by on the blue color of the sky. La la la la la la la la la la la...la la la la la la la la la la la...la la la la la la la la la la la...Colors are yours and mine."

Song by Gary Luttrell and Mike Moore 1977

In our busy, chaotic life where circumstance and routine can rule, we lose the wonder of all that is around us...Like the flavor of food, the laughter of a baby, the smile of a grandmother, the sound of the waves crashing or the trickle of a creek. They are all wonders that are ever around us. Such is the case for color. These colors are just around my own yard here in Oregon. Distance is not required in order to appreciate wonder. Blessings!

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