Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veteran Gordon Menveg, I Salute You Sir!

PVT US Army Air Corps
Gordon Menveg...He was my Grandfather, the husband of my Nana. Though married less than 20 years and dying on my birthday in 1990, nearly 20 years before she would breathe her last...he always remained her sweetheart. On this 'Veterans Day' 2015, I leave this blog in his remembrance. 
Gordon's plot South of Las Vegas

Over the last 12 years of Nana's life I would have the honor to travel one to three times a year to visit and assist with needs around her house. Most of those days would include some sharing of her many years of life, including those with Gordon. One fact that always remained quiet was in regards to Gordon's time in the Army. The reason...he never would speak of those days to her. All she knew is that they affected him greatly. What I that his limp and seizures were a result of his tour with the Army. And yet, I never heard him complain.
Grandkids ponder Gordon's and Nana's graves
All of us know of hero's who stood in distressing times for our freedom. One such hero was Gordon Menveg!


Note: Though I agree greatly with Lee Greenwood and his beautiful song, I do pray for God's blessing on all of His creation.

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