Saturday, May 25, 2019

There's Not A Day...

The crew in 1968
This phrase is used often in our lives, but the accuracy of it could well be questioned. That said, though not meant to indicate every single day, still the idea is that often we remember. And that is the truth in regards to how frequently I’m reminded of my mother.

Mom's HS Grad
I was thirty years old, when my mother, but forty-seven, died of cancer. Now thirty years later, at sixty years of age, the memory of this great lady has yet to fade. Always on the anniversary of her birthday, April Fools Day, and that of her death, these are times when she is forefront in my thoughts. Then scattered throughout the year are a picture, a story, a fragrance or a song … especially The Big Bopper’s ‘Chantilly Lace’, or anything with Elvis, that brings Elizabeth Ann Jopp to mind.

There are many things that I believe that she would have loved to be part of. Seeing what her children have done with their lives. And likewise the lives of her grand and great-grandchildren. To have had continued relationship with Karen and the spouses of her other children. These are but a few of the ways in which she would have continued to connect and make an impact in the lives of others. And...what would have been her new hobbies? How many graduations and weddings would she have attended? How would our relationship have grown over the years? So many questions, forever unanswered.

It’s hard to even imagine that today, the 25th of May, is actually thirty years from the moment of her last breath. On Memorial Day myself, along with other motorcycle buddies, will venture across the Willamette Valley in honor of our fallen loved ones. Though I’m calling it the ‘Jeffer Memorial Day Ride’, in honor of a fallen motorcyclist friend, mom will most definitely be one that I remember as we pay our respects at a couple cemeteries along the way.

My hope is that for you as well, that there is not a day, that a smile is shinning upon your face as something reminds you of one that you once loved dearly.

Elvis and daughter...what a combo! "Take my hand, let me stand, where no one stands alone". What a beautiful thing it is when we able to stand side by side with those we love...and not be alone. 

What lovely family pictures and films are shown in this video. Similar old 8 and 16mm home movies were enjoyed by many of us in the 60's. And though I imagine that Lisa Marie would have loved a different ending, don't we all have that opportunity to make better on the memories that we leave behind.

And to know that one day we can go to the 'Great Known', known in the sense that there is a place that has been prepared for us, where 'The King' ... Jesus, will take us ... to His Father's house. Oh glorious day! John chapter 14...

I was just about to post this when I came across the video below. What an absolute favorite was Tim Conway, who died earlier this month, and what a tribute to him in this video. "Of all the gifts you gave me, your friendship was the best. And I'll always keep you in my heart". Amen...Amen!

Thank you JB Furr for your contribution

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