Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Ok, agoraphobia…this makes sense to me. I actually witnessed it in a family member years ago, when she experienced a great sense of helplessness regarding life itself and would no longer travel because of it. As well, one day a buddy was underneath my house for a plumbing project for less than five minutes and only feet from the entry when claustrophobia caused his immediate retreat.

And I may even place one onto myself. Yet, if asked, I'm pretty sure that it may well be toward the top of most in regards to phobias. It is called ‘ophidiophobia'. Yeah right, you're making up this word. No, actually it is the fear of snakes. Most will even run from the common garden snake. And I must admit, I’ve stepped back quickly a time or two when found in my yard. But, I've also been the hero a couple of times when rescuing my neighborhood children, and even their mom 😁

As well, you can turn to, what else, but to 'phobia list dot com', to see hundreds of phobias which have been analyzed over the years.

Yet, all of these are overshadowed by the newest, most trendy fear of all, that is “Diafonophobia”. And yes, I just coined the word myself. I even did the almighty ‘Google' search. And the results returned an emphatic, “Your search – Diafonophobia – did not match any documents”. So seriously Rick, what the heck are you saying?

Again, using ‘Google' as our search engine we see that the term “homophobic/homophobia” was first used in 1969. And though “transphobia” tends to be a more recent term, it actually surfaced in 1992.

Today, our culture, the media, constantly bombard us as having one or both of these fears. When in fact, the problem lies within themselves and “diafonophobia”. They have a fear of disagreement!  It is a two-part Greek word, διαφωνεί and φόβος. Most, coming from my position … or as the new termed used, “Talking Point”, are not afraid of homosexual or transsexual people. Seriously, am I afraid of these folks? Perhaps you should do some research. You would find that I along with a great majority who have the perspective in which I hold are not afraid of either one of the above two groups. Rather the fear lies on their behalf. They are ‘afraid’ that we “disagree” with them.

Our Founders quickly recognized the need to add to our great constitution. And with it came the ‘Bill of Right’s’. The VERY first one … is that of the freedom of speech. Such wisdom which allows us to say, to think … as we so choose. Yes, as a follower of Christ, I firmly believe that our speech should always be with grace and seasoned with salt. Salt, providing a great means, in order to savor our disagreements.

Note: This blog was in regards to the use/misuse of terms. I realize that harm and violence has occurred within people of homosexual persuasion, and some of this from professing Christians. I 100% "disagree" with those committing such. That said, just because I disagree with those who cause harm, it does not place me into a category of "fear", no more than you are afraid of me. So, might we have honest discussion, even knowing that often we will "disagree".

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