Thursday, August 29, 2019

What's The Duff?

The 'infamous' divot ...
The simple ‘responsibilities’ of life, when not accomplished, oh baby…do they bother you as they do me?

Watching as golfers play past our condo here on the fourth hole at Eagle Crest. A gentleman in his 70's has ‘chip' shot to the hole. While ‘duffing’ his shot, he leaves a ‘divot' behind. He walks forward to retrieve his ball and then returns to the divot. “He's going to replace it”. Or so I think. Oh no, he drops his ball down in order to attempt a better shot. Now, now are you going to replace it? Sadly, no!

The 'guilty' party :(
Though with literally only ‘nine' holes in my golf career and little knowledge of the game, none-the-less, I know that a ‘divot' should be returned to its place with a slight stomp in order to secure its rightful position, properly maintaining the course for those who will soon be playing on the same hole.

Ironically, in the past month I’ve witnessed something that unfortunately we don't see often in current times. That is, I've watched as ten-year-old boys act responsibly. While riding their bikes, helmets on, they stop at the intersection. They proceed to look in all directions, I wave them by, and they return a wave and a thank you. I don’t know if you're old enough to recall, but this is how we operated in the sixties.
A view to enjoy...for sure!
If not obvious … my moral to the story … let us act responsibly! Whether OLD or young alike. And as Christians … perhaps as the Christ, we can proceed humbly with grace and gentleness.

For those who are actually golfers … I found this on Just saying!

·       Replace your divots.
·       Turf tends to explode on impact, making it difficult, if not impossible, to replace the divot. In this case, you have two options:
o   You can use the toe of your shoe to kick in the turf around the edges of the divot.
o   Many courses often put containers of a soil/seed mixture on their carts and tees. If this is the case, simply fill in the divot with the mixture.

“It's in responsibility that most people find the meaning that sustains them through life. It's not in happiness. It's not in impulsive pleasure.” Dr. Jordan Peterson of scriptures most revealing stories of 'responsibility' is found in II Thessalonians 3:6-12. Let's learn to NOT be idle.

Oh...and p.s. ~ I just saw another 70 something golfer do the 'right' thing with his divot. And I say, 'Yes'!!

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