Saturday, January 19, 2013

Birthdays...Just One Tradition

SHIFT 11...Rick's ReFlections of his 32 years career in the Fire Service...
Kenny's artwork...I'm 'Victor'

Hearing ‘Happy Birthday’ sung at the ole Fire House is definitely worth the price of admission…which, not surprising…is FREE! Yeah, we don’t have too many that even recognize the significance of ‘holding key’. But fun…oh we do have fun with it. I'll attempt to place tonight’s rendition unto Facebook. It is not our best, but you get the idea…we’re pretty awful.

Of course there are always cards with humor, something about age for us ‘old’ dudes, but the best have been when Ken takes his pen to adlib and create that card that fits our particular fire house and the crazies within.

Typically we’ll have a ‘birthday’ page over the PA, to which we gather about the kitchen, squeak out the song, pass the card to the birthday boy or girl and get to the main part…the eating of cake, ice cream, banana splits, or maybe something made special like a ‘Banana Split Cake’. Sometimes we’ll then stand around reminiscing and other times we’re done…off we go until the next BDay.  

All in all, birthdays have been one of many important ways that we have experienced camaraderie at the fire house. I thank you my brothers and sisters for maintaining this tradition over the years. Never lose your traditions...and/or make new ones. 

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