Sunday, June 23, 2013

People, Places and Praises...Day 18...A Most Difficult Day!

Doug, Cheryl, Ali Jo, Joann, Ronny and Rick
June 22 - Day 18...Goodbyes are seldom fun. This particular goodbye is very difficult! I've had a wonderful time getting reacquainted with several family members, many of whom I had not seen for eighteen years and others over forty. I was able to get to really know Doug better...Doug, that's a good thing:) To meet for the first time and absolutely enjoy time with little Ali Jo! To live out many nostalgic memories with Cheryl, often late into the night. And to just talk, be with, and enjoy Uncle Ron and Aunt Joann. I love them so much, as one would their own parents. I know that the feeling is mutual. As Ron and I hugged, knowing that it could be the last, we both held back from going into a complete sob. I love you uncle Ron, and love the MANY memories that I will forever hold of our numerous times together. I can't thank you enough.................
Ali Jo and her friend Ty
Randy, Ron & Rick Williams...1975
It is now close to midnight, camp is set at Bluestem Lake, outside of Sprague, Nebraska. The wind continues to howl in these midwest States, as it has since my entry into Nebraska and Iowa ten days ago. The moon is a brilliant full and a celebration of fireworks can be heard in a nearby town. I now lay my head down as I complete day one of my homeward journey, knowing that the return trip will include a meet with an old, old friend (and our 'best man') and then with my aunt (who is really a second cousin) outside of Reno. Otherwise, where will the days take me? I can only imagine. The agenda is loose, holding the same three words from day two (ok, it's four words) NO HURRY...RELAX...LISTEN! At this moment it is to 25 to 30 mph winds. Good night!

Rick, Ali Jo, Joann and Ronny
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

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