Wednesday, June 12, 2013

People, Places and Praises...Day 6

Rick at 'Beartooth' Pass
 June 10 - Day 6...A very relaxing morning was spent with Gary. Breakfast back at the Soda Butte Cafe (gotta love that name!), and then a return to camp where we yakked like a couple of old men...wait a minute, we are! Then at 1:30 I began my trek up the Beartooth Highway, called by Charles Kuralt as the 'best' highway in America. Let' just say that the fifty mile ride over the 10,947 foot pass took me three hours to accomplish. At the pass, beside another 'most amazing' view, is a ski lift with a 500 foot, almost completely vertical slope. Yeah, that one is not for me! The 12 foot high snow walls were quite awesome to ride past on my Yamahaug.

After a decent into the 'cute' town of Red Lodge, Montana, I ventured through some of Montana's and Wyoming's prairies. A quick stop for some fruit, led to a conversation about campsites prior to the 'Bighorn Pass'. I was given the suggestion to stop at 'Five Creeks'. So Wyoming 14 takes you through some fairly barren land, when you arrive to the campground sign that leds to the north side of the road. A two mile ride on a totally 'switch-back' road takes you up at least a 1,000 foot vertical climb to another 'most beautiful' campground, with some extremely impressive rock formations. I could hug the guy who told me about it:)

Gary and I along with Buddy's butt...sorry
During the ride today I am often reminded of enjoyable fragrances. Those from a variety of trees and flowers, or the one brought forth after after a rain. I am also reminded of my memory verse for the week, "My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you". I am hopeful to read through Paul's little letters to the churches throughout this journey. Beginning in Galatians, I discovered this in chapter four, verse nineteen. To me it is hopeful that if these believers were in need of Christ once again being 'formed' in them, then perhaps there continues to be promise for me...and you:)

So, here I lay in my tiny one man tent, thirty feet from a very fast moving ten foot creek. The winds,
Crazy Creek it is...    

earlier at some twenty mph, have calmed down and I will open the tent fly to take in the view of God's most precious stars. Just prior to closing the fly I noticed what appeared to be a flashlight shinning against the gorgeous rock back drop that surrounds my site. No Vern, that'll be thar lightening blarring across the 'Bighorn Mountain' sky. And some call it chance? Good night!

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