Wednesday, June 26, 2013

People, Places and Praises...Day 19

June 23 Day 19...Today's agenda...Seam sealer and a double shot latte! I know, I's a foo foo drink:) Can you say five inches of rain? Scattered over three hours, from four to seven AM, as I lost count somewhere around twelve at the number of thunder-heads to roll through. I'm sure this storm must have been the size of Kansas:) Grateful...that this, the first (and hopefully the last) real test of my forty dollar, who knows what name, tent past the test! Of course there were some drops, but through it all I've become a greater believer in a Creator. Come on...can you honesty believe that 'chance' could have arranged the remarkable complexity of our 'skin'? Drop after drop (thankfully just over my head) and my hands NEVER failed their function... i.e. the ability to catch the drops and dry almost immediately, ready for the next drop. I'm sure that the humidity inside must have been 100%:) I'm also amazed at the tent stakes and poles...that wind was unrelenting! How they remained the course, I don't know. I'm just thankful that they did! And my tablet and camera...bone dry. Yeah God! I now await to confirm that the skies are finished, for the sun to assist with some drying of the tent fly, and to begin another day.

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